
For a specified media production, learners carry out a production role within a team competently

I took the role of Producer within the creation of an independent game entitled Cataclysm.

My primary role in creating a Game entitled Cataclysm was the Producer, but I also took on a secondary role as an artist when the head artist was unable to create all for the art assets by the deadline.

Throughout the project, I corresponded with each member to ensure that they were on track with their work to complete each element by the deadline. I also took each asset created and uploaded it to the drive so that everyone had access which was necessary for the programmer as he needed to take all of the assets and upload them into the game.

When the workload was too much for the artist, I stepped in to create the smaller assets as well as the character sprites so that they could focus on completing the background. This is a diary of the work I completed during the entire process:

September 19th 2018

Once within a group of four, we assigned the job roles. I am the Producer, Holly is the Games Artist, Jack is the programmer, and Ben is the designer. I then created a Trello board to track our progress of the game as well as made a google drive folder and shared it with the team members so we can store and collaborate on work. After that, we began spitballing ideas for the game.

September 26th 2018

We chose two ideas we had come up with and began writing them down and fleshing them out by creating mood boards and story outlines.

October 3rd 2018

We developed the two ideas further by researching existing mechanics within other games that we could implement and alter into our own.

October 10th 2018

After developing the two ideas for a game, we evaluated which would be best to go ahead with using the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) method. The idea we chose was the first one, a side-scroller horror and adventure game. We then wrote a rationale explaining why we had chosen that idea.

October 17th 2018

After writing out a MoSCoW (Must Haves, Should Have, Would Have, Could Haves.) for the idea, we started to develop and refine the outline we had already created so it was more nuanced.

October 31st 2018

We started the treatment for the game. I assigned the different sections to the members as follows:

A) Game Synopsis and Mechanics - Myself

B) Functionality - Ben 
C) Target Audience - Jack
D) Background and Environment Visuals - Holly
E) Character Profiles and Designs - Holly
F) Soundtrack - Ben
G) Cut scenes - Myself
H) Programming - Jack
I) Props/Assets - Myself

November 7th 2018

After completing the Game Synopsis and Mechanics section, I helped Jack with the Target Audience and Ben with Functionality.

November 14th 2018

While Holly was designing the Character visuals, I wrote the profiles for each character.

November 21st 2018

I helped Ben with the soundtrack by working out the basic elements we needed during the gameplay and cut scenes.

November 28th 2018

I wrote the four cut scenes that will be played throughout the game demo.

December 12th 2018

After Jack had completed writing the notes for the programming elements, I refined them and wrote them out into the treatment PowerPoint.

January 9th 2019

Once I had completed writing out what the different types of props/assets we needed were and what ones were most integral, I began to design the visuals starting with the Supply Crate.

Link to Treatment

January 16th 2019

I took the sketches of the supply crate into Adobe Photoshop and created a digital sprite of the crate open and closed.

January 23rd 2019

I again continued working on the prop visuals. I completed the crowbar as well as the paper notes found within the Doctors house.

January 20th 2019

Today I created a toxic waste barrel prop to be used within the lake in the map as well as a Tin Can for the food and health elements of the game.

February 6th 2019

After discussing things through with Holly, we decided she would focus on the environment visuals while I worked on the characters. In order to use the 3D models we had created in MAYA, a plugin would need to be installed. so, I went to IT and they started to work out how to install it.

February 13th 2019

IT installed the plugin needed, however, upon attempting to use it, I found it too difficult and time-consuming. After speaking with the group to discuss the best option, we decided to have the characters be 2D sprites.

I started with the wolf sprite and a simple walk cycle. After a rough sketch, I sent the elements to Jack so he could test how to get them working in the game.

February 13th 2019

I completed the wolf running sprites and shared them with Jack.

February 27th 2019

Holly sent me the sketches she had done for Axel and I brought them into photoshop to start drawing out. I researched basic walk and run cycles online and downloaded references to help me animate.

I then began creating each frame of movement.

March 6th  2019
I completed the walk cycle and exported it as a gif from photoshop. But, looking at the gif showed a lot of issues with the animation. It was very stiff with not enough movement in the torso and head.

March 13th  2019

I downloaded a different reference for a run cycle and uploaded it to photoshop. I also further researched how to make the animation more fluid. The results showed that I needed to have the sprite move up and down as well as bob their head to help reinforce the illusion of movement.
After some experiementing this was the result:

I exported the individual images and sent them to Jack so he could implement the sprites in the game.

March 20th  2019

I checked in with each member of the team to see where they were at and assigned each person a task, Holly to add a path to the background and send it to Jack, Jack to create the platform for the characters to stand n based on the path, and Ben to finish the sound effects and upload them to the drive.

I then began working on Margaret's sprite.

March 27th 2019

After checking in with each team member, I finished off Margaret's sprite walk cycle and uploaded it to the drive for Jack.

April 3rd 2019

Jack brought up a point about the fighting animations and so I created the sprites for Axel fighting with his crowbar and uploaded them to the drive.

1st May 2019

To help Holly with the art workload, I had her upload the photoshop file for the background she was working on so that I could create a separate layer containing the utility poles for her to add into the final background layer.

8th May 2019

With all of the art and sound assets complete, I had each member upload them to the drive so that Jack could add them into the game.
